Friday, February 12, 2010


OMG...This week has been crazy! I have been working 4 days and at school all day for 3 days so that leaves...0 days. I have really settled into the nursing program this week, and realized a sad truth. People in healthcare eat some real CRAP! Sitting in the lunch room on tuesday I looked around over my spinach wrap and almonds and all I saw was microwave meals, pizza, and TONS of junk food. The next 12 months is really going to be a test of will power. The new hectic schedule hasnt been so bad BUT I have very little time to exercise so its making diet super important and challenging my commitment to myself. Because of this I thought it would be good to remind me what my motivations really are and I thought it would be nice to share them all with you. The following images are what I come home to everynight at about midnight when I finally walk through the door.

Aren't they so sweet when they're sleeping?


Anonymous said...

oh Jess, I love that you put pics of the family on here! As much as we are all in this to make changes for ourselves, our families are a huge part of who we are!!

Mindy said...

I think the number one thing you can do is to just be prepared. at work there are a thousand vending machines and candy jars on EVERY desk in the place and people junk out all the time. the days i have the most trouble are the ones i am not prepared with meals. as long as you can stay on top of your meals and snacks you will do fantastic. didn't kow you were going to nursing school but that's fantastic! you will be amazing! keep up the awesome work!

Angela said...

Hey, Joey's AWAKE!!! LOL! Sorry we haven't been able to get together to exercise....ARGH. Life happens, as you know!
Good work on your willpower! I know nurses eat crap cuz my mom's one and she hardly ever got around to cooking us meals, much less healthy ones! Not trying to knock my mom, but it is a busy job being a nurse!

Karilynn said...

Jess!! I'm so excited for you and proud of you for doing this nursing school thing. And seriously.. I've never understood why health care pro's eat so crappy!! UGH! :o) Keep getting to the gym and EAT WELL!!! LOVE YOU!