Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another year, Another baby, Another comp...

Hello I will recap the last year later but I wanted to add a fresh post since I havent used this blog in so long! New Comp and a fresh start!


Moi said...

Let's get a hells yeahs for freash starts!!!

Amy said...

Hi Jessica!
Kari told me you had a baby 5 weeks ago. Congrats! I had a little girl 7 weeks ago and am so ready for this! Nice to know there's another sleep deprived mama in the competition. :) Good luck!!

Angie said...

I love that you are starting another journey. Congratulations on your new baby. My hats off to you that you are focusing on your weight already! My baby is almost 10, and I am barely getting back into the swing of "me" things!